Case Studies

Denver International Airport, Denver, CO

While many school districts rely on water fountains as the way they provide students with drinking water access, Denver International Airport has the right idea! With their drinking fountains, 1) the water streams high enough so quick sips can be taken and reusable bottles can be filled; 2) there is more than one fountain so the number of people in the area can be reasonably accommodated; and 3) the fountains are clean and positioned at appropriate heights.

Too often, traditional water fountains on school sites are not clean or functioning, have water flows too weak or too low to allow reusable bottles to be filled, and are not abundant or convenient enough to reasonably serve the number of children who should benefit from clean, fresh and free drinking water at school.

How does your school rate in providing free, fresh drinking water to kids in food service areas? (Send photos of good examples, and a short narrative, to
