Case Studies

Bellevue Union School District, Santa Rosa, CA

In the winter of 2010-1, the Bellevue Union School District, located in the northern San Francisco Bay Area, began installing drinking water stations in the lunch rooms at its four elementary schools.  The stations consist of tall "glass-filler faucets" mounted on existing water fountains.  Faucets have lever handles to control water flow and are perfect for students filling personal water bottles.  Students who do not carry water bottles can use paper cups provided in wall-mounted dispensers next to the faucets.

The district undertook this retrofitting to better meet the intent of Senate Bill 1413, said Maintenance Director Colin Ramsay.  The cost of the faucets, including installation, was about $300 each, Ramsay said, and the money came from the district's facilities budget.  For more information, contact Ramsay at 707-542-5197 or

glass-filler faucets